What is SMA?
SMA or Spinal Muscular Atrophy is inherited
disease which affects muscles
of the trunk and limbs.
This disease causes dying of spinal neurons,
which activates the muscles of the
trunk and of the limbs.
They found first affected kittens in
United States of America but unfortunately
too late - the disease was already spread
all around the world by export of
affected cats and/or carriers of this
genetic mutation.
The disease in an initial period progresses rapidly,
then the progression slows
down and finally leads to immobilization.
What are the sings of SMA?
First signs of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
become apparent at the age of 3 to 4 months of age.
Mostly the kittens don`t suffer any pain and
they are able to feed and play normally.
The most frequent signs by kittens and
older affected cats are:
"backbone walking" - swinging
high sensitivity to touch over the back
weakness to jump on higher areas
clumsy landing when jumping down
extreme intolerance
labored breathing